If you are on parole or in CDOC and ready to parole to Mesa County, TFI can help you transition into the community by offering Housing and employment under one roof!
You can get hired while you are in CDOC and get to work the day you are released! We start apprentices in our employment training program at $14 per hour and 401K option on day one. As a construction apprentice, you will learn various skills in the construction trade.
You will also engage in our career training program that will inspire, guide, and equip you to find and retain meaningful careers. The training provides the knowledge to connect to and care for root heart issues. In addition, it offers practical building blocks to developing a healthy character through a strategy that combines on-the-job training, work readiness classes with key principles, and mentoring.
You will learn fundamental workplace essentials to find and keep a career with training topics like:
Respect for Authority
Conflict Resolution
Taking Responsibility
Effective Communication
Vocational Planning
Job Search Techniques
Building a Resume
Interviewing Skills
Customer Satisfaction
How do I know if this program is for me?
Are you…
Currently in CDOC and bout to release?
Currently on parole and unemployed OR underemployed?
Willing to make necessary changes in your life to find and keep a job?
Capable of work?
Committed to working or improving your current job situation?
If you answered yes to these questions, this opportunity is for you!